The Tea Party Objects to China Building and Operating the DRIC Bridge
The Detroit River International Crossing Bridge will be a “public private partnership” project. There will be a bidding process to find a private company to be the “concessionaire” who will build and operate the bridge. Governor Snyder was asked if China could build the bridge. He said yes. Lieutenant Governor Calley was asked at a debate in Jackson, Michigan if China could build the bridge. He said yes. Congressman Dingell was asked if the Federal Government would have any role in determining who builds and operates the bridge, such as the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS). He said that the Federal Government has already ceded the authority to the Michigan State Government. China already operates such projects as the Panama Canal through its government owned Chinese Overseas Shipping Company (COSCO) and is opening an “inland port” in Idaho through its government owned Sino-Mach Company. With its enormous cash reserves there is a good possibility that China will win the bid to build and operate the new DRIC Bridge. The influential Willow Run Tea Party Caucus has sent its objections to Governor Snyder.
As the Director of the Willow Run Tea Party Caucus, I, Dennis Moore, do hereby render this "Proclamation of Intent", having first been authorized to do so by "caucus and affirmation" of the Willow Run Tea Party Caucus.
To Governor Snyder and Michigan State Legislators;
WHEREAS - We believe the "Government Bridge" is not in the best interest of the People of the State of Michigan.
WHEREAS - We believe Government should not compete with private business.
WHEREAS - We believe there to be a "Chinese Communist Connection" to the (Bid, Build and Operations) of the "Government Bridge".
WHEREAS - We believe the "Government Bridge" to be a "Gateway to China" and the "Nafta Super Highway".
ALTHOUGH - We do support "Most" of your implemented policies.
If you, Sir, sign into law a bill that would authorize a "Public/Private" Authority, to let out bids to build this "Government Bridge", We, at the Willow Run Tea Party Caucus will "initiate and enact" with fervor the following;
- We will enlist our Tea Party Sister groups to join in an effort to recall you from office.
- We will work to "Primary" any and all legislators who voted to affirm this bill.
We, at the Willow Run Tea Party Caucus, are known for our passion "Presenting
Principle before Politics". WE DID NOT SEND YOU TO LANSING TO